Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Hire a Google Android Developer - Company VS Freelancer

Do you have an Android application development project? Do you want to get it developed in the best way possible but economically? Then hire a Google Android developer, this is the best option as it will work on all android projects, from their start to completion without any glitches. However the question is whether to hire a freelance Android developer? Or hire an Android app developer through a company's hiring solution? What would be better?

There has to be a reason for selecting either of them. Sure, there is a reason; an Android application development company offering an Android hiring solution should be the best choice for people with no or less knowledge of the platform. Most of the companies that offer these solutions are well renowned in the field; hire some of the best Android developers and provide cutting edge services.

You just have to go to them with your requirements and they would be sure enough to convert your requirements into the application of your dream. Since Android application development companies are big, they are sure to have worked on different types of Android projects. Hence there are chances that they would have worked on a project similar to yours. If that happens then you can be 100% sure to receive the best work from them. Their experience will make sure that the development goes on smoothly.

Companies have their own terms of working, once the agreement is signed, they are sure to deliver the work on time and as promised. However if in case they do not do so then, as per the agreement signed by both the parties you have the right to take legal action against them. Apart from these their "hire a Google Android developer solution" is designed to benefit clients. Thus you can also expect to receive the best so far as quality is concerned. Also most of the companies allow you to hire an Android programmer just as you would be hiring a freelancer either on hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or project bases.

Freelance Android developers can be a good option for people with good knowledge of the platform and those who need help only with some part of the development. They also offer many benefits and can be hired either on hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or on project bases. However the downside is that, often you can be duped into hiring a developer without good knowledge of Android development. There are all possible chances that they would not be able to complete the project on time, due to lack of knowledge and resources. Most of them ask for upfront payment, once you make the payment, things start going wrong. If you are a novice at Android then there are all possibilities that you will be not able to catch them and get trapped into paying more money at each stage of development without seeing the work progress through the stages.

Hence, it can be concluded that it would be better to hire an Android developer from an Android development company to get the best work done.

Ellen Wills is an experienced Google Android developer capable of doing content writing for the same. He is been working with Android App Development for a long time now and has got a good grip on both development as well as content writing.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ellen_Wills

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6804118

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