Being open Source, you don't have to pay the licensing fee for its development which you have to pay in case of iPhone or blackberry. There are no jailbreaks and unlock priorities to fulfill in it. Android App developers can sell their applications on the official Android App store or the third-party vendor which is not possible in iPhone as there is only one way and that's Apple store. Android applications are Linux-based hence making it stable and secured.
Google Android Applications are chosen because of these capabilities:
Great ROI
Stable platform
Easy development and Good portability
Huge developer community support
Android OS Rocks the SmartPhone Market
Many sales options
Google has gifted an open source handset operating system for all the future phones which literally gave these handy toys a great power to work as a walking PC's and perform a great piece of work very easily and without any hassles. It is the best way to make a good money on very less investment.
These benefits has stormed the Android application market by influencing more and more application development companies to jump into it and develop unique and interesting applications.
Now smart phones has enabled a walking person to get connected to the world with just one touch and share his experience with the world. Businessmen have started using it as a pocket office and are using it as a small office connector by the help of many Applications. They no more need to sit on the PC or carry a laptop with them.
What you need is just a reputed and certified Android App development company who could easily understand your requirements and mould them into a beautiful Apps. Once you hire a company for your Application you will definitely save your money, time and resources because they are professionals who are trained for it who can develop customized and user targeted Apps bringing glory for you and your business all you need is an imagination and a creative idea, "They will turn them to Application".
Chirag is working with the one of the Leading "Android Development" firm Named Elan Technologies who are experts in Application development and is also registered with ISO 9001-2008 certified companies.
You can contact for best Iphone Apps Developers at
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