Another intriguing possibility in relation of Google Android and unbranded phones is the possibility of several currently unknown brands or manufacturers becoming well known all over the world. An example of this already happening is that China is the "Sciphone" brand phones from CECT which have already made an impression internationally due to their infamous iPhone clones. Using Android however, manufacturers like CECT can start to build their own brand awareness based on quality phones rather than fake ones. It will be interesting to see if any of these manufactures of fakes and OEMs will be able to move from their current reputation as merely an imitator to innovator by piggy backing on the Google Android operating system.
Currently, there has only been one major attempt at creating a Google phone, the Sciphone Dream G2. However, it does not truly run the Google OS, but rather a simulated version. This was mostly due to lack of processor speed in the chipset, but as new versions of chips become available this will change. With a higher end chip, processing speed and on board NAND will grow letting phone makers actually use the open source Google Android platform. It is already been reported that several true Google phones are just about to hit the market, but whether they are truly running Android in a usable form is yet to be seen. However, the potential remains for some very nice, and very lowly priced mobile phones with the Google OS coming in the very near future with prices.
Gregory Mulford lives and works in Shenzhen China, and is the Marketing director for Quad-Band-Phones.
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