Thursday, May 31, 2012

Reasons For Choosing Netbooks Versus Notebook Laptop Computers

When considering purchasing a netbook computer for sale, many read reviews and compare them to tablets, laptop, and notebook computers. Of course, these people are searching for a portable option for computing. When thinking about all the options, deciding on a netbook will depend on several factors.

As mentioned, portability is the most important factor for those considering a netbook. This is because netbooks are smaller than normal laptops and other portable computers. The size and weight of these products are much smaller usually because the lack of a cd rom or dvd drive. Other features like external monitor output and various data connectors have been left out. Instead, the units commonly have usb connectors and memory card ports. All these changes are perfect for keeping the size small.

The size and options also reflect on the price. These smaller laptops are really cost-effective and economical in every way. With costly parts that are missing from the design, this allows the manufacturers to cut down the overhead incredibly. Cheaper and fewer parts make this possible. The lesser cost is then passed on to the consumer. For those on a budget that need a computer for school, work or personal use, netbook computers can be a great choice.

There is a simplicity in netbooks that many like. Some big laptops have too many buttons and options that make simple operation difficult. Some netbooks just have the power button, keyboard and volume adjuster. Sometimes simpler is better. This is all that some people need so that it doesn't interfere with what they really need the device for whether it be writing a paper or shopping online.

One thing that may be less in these consumer products is the computing power. A trade off for size is usually high-powered processors and heat sinks. This makes the computers sometimes unable to multi-task or do multiple threads of calculations. This may limit the types of tasks that can be done with netbooks. But, for students ding school work or surfing the web, these are perfectly suited for those types of activities.

There are many reasons to think about when buying a laptop. Price is not always the deciding factor. Many choose a netbook over a tablet computer or laptop notebook for their own reasons. Whether it's size, style, portability or other reasons, consumers will choose netbooks vs laptops and notebook computers. For those that don't need a desktop replacement, something simple and portable like a netbook can be a great choice.

Anthony Gainsberg is a technology enthusiast that has been on the internet since its inception. He is interested in online topics and computers as well as netbooks, laptop notebooks, mobile computing and electronic gadgets.

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